Point Health

Healthcare Navigator

When you have time to make an informed decision about where to receive medical care, our navigation service makes sure that you pick the best option for your budget and preferences.

Bill Negotiator

Have a huge ER bill? Or maybe you were stuck with an out-of-network bill that’s more than you can afford. No matter the situation, our Karis Patient Advocates can step in to help you negotiate your bill and guide you out of a tough situation.

Point Health is a best-efforts service, is not insurance, and does not provide funds to pay for medical bills. THIS IS NOT INSURANCE.


The Legal Stuff

From time to time the Association’s board evaluates service and discount proposals from various companies. Services and discounts may be enhanced or reduced based on the board’s evaluation. Structure and dues are subject to change based upon the membership size and changes in the services and discounts. The Association continually looks for privileges that maximize your consumer dollars and improve the well being of your business and household. Although the Association investigates each of the service providers, it cannot warrant or guarantee their performance. If you have any comments about the providers or their services, please call the Association Membership Services Office toll free number 1-800-992-8044.